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about me

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Welcome to my little corner of the internet,

I'm so happy you are here. 

I'm Lena, born in 1993 and a travel bug through and through. In 2010, I left Germany to be a foreign exchange student in Los Angeles, CA where I met some of my favorite people. Traveling became necessary to see each other whether it was in the pines of Germany, under the palms of California, or somewhere in between.

Besides Germany and California, I have called Mallorca, Spain, and Santiago de Chile my home. Emerging myself in foreign cultures, learning languages, and diving deep into different cultures through the lens of the locals have been priceless experiences that I'll treasure forever.

I still love to get on the road as much as I can, usually with a camera in my hand. This space is a creative outlet for me to share my photography and travel tips. You can also find my travel guides on

I hope that The Good Land Beyond will become a place of inspiration to you that will encourage you to go above and beyond your comfort zone and find your own adventures across the world! 

Happy Travels! 

Love, Lena

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